Django Unchained
The film directed by Tarantino, tells the story of Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz), a dentist turned bounty hunter.
He plays mentor of sorts to Django (Jamie Foxx), a slave whom Schultz set free, and partners with him.
to go after a slew of wanted men, raking in the cash as well as getting closer to Django's sole objective:
rescue his wife Broomhilda Von Schaft (Kerry Washington) from the clutches of the egomaniac Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio).
The Literatura de Cordel.
Stories on a string
Cordel literature came to Brazil with the Portuguese during the renaissance, creating this cordel culture in the Brazilian Northeast, which is still traditional today.
The title Stories on a String is a more-or-less direct translation of cordel literature, and as it is a local literature, its existence strengthens folklore and regional imagination, in addition to encouraging reading.
Today, cordel literature is recognized as intangible cultural heritage, even having a Brazilian Academy of Cordel Literature.